
Category Archives for "RFID Wallet Advice"

Do I Need an RFID Wallet?

With technological advancements being made every day, it has become easier than ever to commit card theft and fraud. Credit card skimming is the most common form of fraud and is an utterly blindsiding crime. Victims notice that fraudulent charges are being made to their account, or money is being withdrawn, while their credit card remains […]

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Do RFID-Blocking Wallets Really Work?

Remember the days when the most difficulty you had to face when buying a wallet was whether you wanted bifold, trifold, or clutch? Nowadays, it’s far less straightforward. A new and potentially perplexing option has entered the market: RFID-blocking wallets. These unique wallets do more than just keep your money safe — they also protect your bank […]

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What are RFID Wallets Made Of?

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is becoming increasingly popular in everyday items, including wallets. However, there remains some mystery and skepticism surrounding the technology. RFID is most commonly used in stores to prevent theft but is slowly making its way into the public world.  But what are RFID wallets made of? Let’s take a look. Quick Navigation […]

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